This is where all the unsaid words are written.

Thursday, February 09, 2012


You will only know what a person really is by the way he faces criticisms hurled at him. A person who gracefully accepts criticisms and learns from it is more intelligent and worth respecting than those who never wants to hear their faults pointed out.

Fact one: You cannot mold people in your hands. You may influence them but you can never force them to fit in a molder that doesn't fit them.

Fact two: A person's behavior is influenced by his upbringing, his environment, his emotions, experiences and state of mind (and that's about less than half of all the things that could affect behavior). The way you act and react speaks a lot of the kind of breeding you have. You cannot expect a person to react the way you would react in a situation because the factors that affects you does not necessarily affect them.

Fact three: You cannot judge a person based on one incident for reasons stated above.

Fact four: Each individual deals with their problems in their own different way. Don't expect them to behave like you do.

Fact five: You cannot expect understanding and respect from people you don't try to understand and respect.

Fact six: Action speaks louder than words.

Fact seven: Its always irritating and hurtful to hear the truth but sometimes, you just have to deal with the harshness of life.

Fact eight: It will only hurt if it hits.

Fact nine: A tiny crack can break even the strongest shield.

Fact 10: There is such a thing as GROW UP.

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