This is where all the unsaid words are written.

Thursday, February 09, 2012


That this country is hopeless? That it has no future and all of us are doomed?

Think about Europe in the days of Hitler. Think about how those Jews were treated in those times. Think about how hopeless their situation was. Relate it today. Think of how much more we can do today. Think of how much change we can accomplish. Think of how much power we have today.

We have hope. The moment all of us believes that this country is hopeless, everything becomes impossible. Being pessimistic is not the way to change this country. There is already a dark cloud in the horizon, discouraging the people around you will not make things any better.

Change should start within us. Before we demand change from our leaders, let us learn to change ourselves first.

What makes this country hopeless is not the fact that it is plagued by leaders who doesn't know how to lead. It is not even the fact that it is weakened by corruption, crime and what-nots. What makes the Philippines hopeless is the fact that we can never bring ourselves to cooperate with each other and do more for this country. We are hopeless because we think and act like one. We are hopeless because we never learn from the past. We are hopeless because we can never be the change we want. We are hopeless because we are cowards who can only demand for change but never step forward and become an agent of change. We are hopeless because we never see the light in the dark. We are hopeless because we never believed in hope.

So yes, we are hopeless; we are doomed. We have no future. We are hopeless because we choose to be.

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