This is where all the unsaid words are written.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

What’s with Monthsaries??

One of the nuances of being in a relationship is keeping track of calendar events like monthsaries. Monthsary is the first special occasion you’ll ever experience in having a relationship. It’s a monthly anniversary per se that you are counting per month until you reach the 1st anniversary and continuously every month.

You'll always be my baby.

During this day, some couples buy gifts for each other, some go on special trip together or some people just eat out dinner together and spare time for these special days to have quality time together. Enjoying each other’s laughter’s, sensible and non-sensible stories. For they believe that before greater things happen to a relationship, the smaller things have to be observed first.

Some does not regard monthsary as sacred like the others for they believe that if they do celebrate monthsaries, it won't be as exciting as looking forward to counting the years and think monthsaries are arbitrary. Some just remember the date and what not, but don’t make a big deal out of it. But, on the other hand, monthsary is still a quite important factor to be dealt with in having a love life.

Girls love surprises.
 You have to throw a little bit of a surprise for each know, to keep that "first spark" alive. It's an act of showing how happy you are together. And it’s having something to look forward to every month, making that single day most special every month for the both of you.

And we always wanted it to be more memorable every time we celebrate them. It is an instinct to really expect something from your love one at these times because when you're in love you would really want everything to be special.  But,It’s not necessary to buy any stuff, a simple but meaningful greetings will do.The mere presence of the beloved person is more than enough already even there are no exchange gifts and dining out!

But above these all, it's still up to the couple if they would agree to celebrate their monthsaries or not, so it's a personal choice more than anything. How couples celebrate their time together does not concern anyone else but themselves. As long as you both are in loved in your relationship, do whatever the best thing you think good to strengthen your relationship.

Whether it be going out to eat, cuddling in his bed, exchanging small hand-made presents, or simply by words. What people don’t realize is that we do it to remind each other that yes, we do appreciate one another. It’s just a nice way to remind ourselves of the love we have for each other. It’s always the little and simplest things.

One thing is for sure,memories are for a lifetime so make memories while you are young and in love. It is not wrong to show off your love. Be in love and make your relationship last for a lifetime! And perhaps, the biggest secret in a long lasting relationship is the fact that you’re truly in love with each other.

 Benefits of a Celebrating a Monthsary:  

You have a way to celebrate anything romantic monthly by date. I think it goes to show how much we value loving each other because being in a relationship is really not that easy. It takes a lot of effort and energy and understanding and tons of love just to make the relationship work. It’s a great moment to enjoy each other knowing you have lasted long and to be thankful that you made it through a month despite all the circumstances hoping that you two would last forever.

P.S Monthsaries and Anniversaries don’t tell you anything about the quality of love that’s in a relationship.

How come you forget?
Disadvantage of Celebrating a Monthsary:

It becomes a huge issue when someone forgets about it. Girls are really very sensitive on this matter and it's normal to be fed off with boyfriend's insensitivity especially on that very important occasion. Guys are just by nature forgetful but this can lead to petty fights. So, boys better mark your calendars!!!

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