This is where all the unsaid words are written.

Thursday, February 09, 2012


Happiness is.

bouquet of flowers.
a sunset.
a heartwarming laugh.
a comfortable chair.
a baby’s smile.
a kiss under the mistletoe.
an unexpected birthday party.
a big hug.
a kiss on the cheeks.
a warm hand.
a perfect score during exam.
a tap on the shoulder.
an answered prayer.
a delicious dessert.
a nice view.
a cool splash on summer.
having the best getaway.
a touching story.
a helping hand.
the word thank you.
seeing a rainbow.
a good girl talk.
nice walk with friends.
rolling over the grass.
a nice cup of coffee.
dancing in the rain.
a loud applause.
hearing a good joke.
playing with a cute dog.
a good sleep.
pieces of pictures.
a graduation day.

In this fast paced world, where there is less time noticing the simple things that would make us smile, it is essential to sit and find time to appreciate even the smallest events that comes our way.  we would often work hard to satisfy our needs and luxury that we tend to forget that the things that would really make us happy are those we need not work for. let us not always be attached to what the world could give us, rather, to what life has to offer in the simplest of things. 

Go out and have fun! take pictures and paste in on your scrap book. take time to listen to the soft purr of your kitty and the wonderful sound that your little bird makes. make mistakes and learn from them. take time to search for your true self. it is not always required for us to walk on straight path.. maybe that is why detours and left turns are made. let us not force ourselves to be perfect, rather let’s strive to be the best of what we are and what we can be. Gather all the patience that you can get. learn the value of waiting for good things come to those who do. be not materialistic for material things fade and get old but true happiness makes us young forever.

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