This is where all the unsaid words are written.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

True Love

A lot of people spend their time searching for true love and while some claim that they have already found it, there are also those who leave this world without finding it. A lot of people waste their life in misery thinking that they could never really find true love.

But, nobody realized that the only true love in this world exists at home. If you can’t find true love at home, you’ll never find it anywhere else because there can be no greater love in this world than that of a parent to his child. Not even the world’s most dashing prince or the most beautiful princess could give you as much love as your parents could give.

Only our parents can truly love us unconditionally. Only our parents could give us love that is beyond measure; a love that would defy even death if permitted. Who else in this world would bear to be hungry so you could eat? Who else would bear sleepless nights so you could sleep comfortably? Who else would rather be empty so you can be full?

No other person in this world could tolerate your existence with all its negative and positive sides as much as your parents could. Nobody, nobody at all could accept you as unconditionally as your parents and nobody could ever sacrifice as much as your parents just to keep you safe and make you happy.

You can be bratty, stubborn, bullheaded and as wicked as the devil himself but your parents will always be there to stand behind and wait until you get to your senses and realize how stupid you have been. And when you finally do, they are the first people who would take you in and care for you again as if you never did anything.

They may grumble from to time, but when you need them the most they will always be there. They get angry at you, they may sometimes say things they don’t mean but in the end, their love for you will always win.
In the point of view of somebody who grew up with all the love I could get from my parents, I say that there is no need for me to search heaven and earth for that one true love. I have found it. And I am so glad to do so.

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